Dear friends, I remember a warm day and I saw the postman I asked him a lot, so I bet he was was happy when I were i school.
But this time he yelled at me - come and get it. I did and I opened the envelop and the postcards was black and white, that didn't bother me, but it was signed with GREY markers. So you could hardly see that they had been signed at ll.
Well, back to the phone calling Polar. They said it was a mistake, that the grey autographs almost disappeared. The promised promiosed to get a "corrected" on.
Now, remember, good old Stig. He was a real business, He had no inention of destroying this photo which Stikkan ended up with a good (at least for him not us, the fans! ;)). He put all the 4 autographs and printed them on that horrible grey colour? Problem solved. Not really I came to discuss this matter a few months again and she still had gone through the a whole story. Oh, the problems you have when you are 10 years old...
Don't get me stated on the fake autgoraphs for sale on he internet.