Svenska Filminstitutet (The Swedish Filminstitute) arrange Den Stora Biodagen (The big movie day) this coming Sunday, 24 April 2005 at Borgvägen 1 in Stockholm. This year "ABBA - The Movie" is the big final film of the day. I assume it's going to be the new restored version that we all are looking forward to on DVD later this year. The program includes classic Swedish movies like "Fimpen", "Blåjackor" and "Fröken Chic". And also the big Afro American version of "The Wizard of Oz", called "The Wiz", with Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as the scarecrow. "ABBA - The Movie" starts at 9.30 pm. Tickets cost only SEK 20, and you can buy them from 11.30 am in Filmbutiken. Click on the picture for more details.